Lorie Fleming | ID

Instructor-led training (ILT)


My recent work designing ILT for ERP software training consists of a comprehensive participant training workbook and associated training environment sandbox instructor presentation slides.

Other examples provided below are an instructor facilitation guide and a user manual.

Participant training workbook (excerpt)

Company | Primary audience: Infor | Employees, Partners, Customers

Tools: Word, SnagIt, PowerPoint, Product training environment (data/configuration)

Description: This is a training workbook developed in Word and provided to ILT training participants in PDF format for use with a pre-configured training environment.

Key design features:

-Step-by-step instructions to guide participants in hands-on software practice

-Hyperlinked table of contents

-Style guide incorporated for consistency and ease of use, including use of Quick Parts

-Color-coded icons to denote key sections

-Product-specific screenshots and graphics

-Links to additional resources

Click the image at left to view a PDF excerpt.

ILT instructor slide presentation (excerpt)

Company | Primary audience: Infor | Employees, Partners, Customers

Tools: PowerPoint, SnagIt

Description: This is a slide deck designed in PowerPoint and provided to the instructor as a presentation tool to accompany the above training workbook.

Key design features:

-Instructor notes to help guide instruction on key slides

-Color-coded icons to denote key sections

-Product-specific screenshots and graphics

-Links to additional resources

Click the image at left to view an excerpt in PDF format.

Instructor guide (excerpt)

Company | Primary audience: SoCalGas| Employees

Tools: Word, SnagIt, Photoshop

Description: This is an instructor guide developed in Word and delivered in PDF. It is designed to be a used with the dual-purpose eLearning modules I created for this utility company.

"Dual purpose" means that the modules can be delivered in two ways: as asynchronous eLearning or by an instructor as a presentation tool in lieu of a PPT slide deck. Thus, the need for a specialized instructor guide to help instructors utilize these modules "live" in the classroom.

Key design features:

-Step-by-step instructions to guide instructors to utilize module as a presentation tool

-Style guide incorporated for consistency and ease of use

-Color-coded text and specific icons to denote available actions for instructor

-Product-specific screenshots and graphics

Click the image at left to view a PDF excerpt.